Rewilding is an approach to conservation that allows nature to be left alone to heal and rebalance to reverse the destructive practices of humans. Supporting rewilding can bring you closer to nature and help you contribute to the well-being of the planet.

How can you use tech to support rewilding efforts at this crucial time in the planet’s existence? Here are some ideas to help.

—Sir David Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet

1. Support Campaigns for Rewilding

The Global Rewilding Alliance brings together citizens from across the planet to exchange knowledge. It provides a united approach to finding solutions and making rewilding a mainstream idea. The alliance wants to make sure the practice is included in the environmental policies adopted by all nations. In 2020, it produced a Global Rewilding charter.

With more than 125 messenger organizations and a thriving youth alliance within the Global Rewilding Alliance, you should have no problem finding a way to get involved in campaigns in your own region.

2. Donate Time or Money to Rewilding Projects

If you can’t get involved in person, there are many ways to help online. The Let’s Rewild website has run campaigns around the world, including ambitious projects to restore the habitats of native butterflies and birds in Spain, return wild horses to the Algarve, and fly bison from Alaska to Siberia to protect the species from the ravages of climate change. These are just a few examples of thousands of projects being undertaken worldwide.

Take a look at the latest crowdfunding schemes, and if you’re in a position to help, there are plenty of options for you. And if you do have some time to spare, consider using a website, such as Volunteer World, to seek practical opportunities to make a difference.

3. Stay Informed Through Rewilding Websites and Podcasts

There’s a wealth of information about rewilding available to help you stay in touch with this vital element of conservation. One of the best is Re:wild, which provides the excellent Re:wild toolkit for individuals. This toolkit includes numerous ideas for sustainable living.

You can also try listening to the Rewilding Earth podcast for the latest on all kinds of ecological and conservation projects.

There is always so much valuable content to be found on the websites of globally renowned organizations. Explore resources by these organizations and others like them:

World Wildlife Fund Greenpeace Friends of the Earth.

If you’re a fan of watching YouTube videos, why not learn with sustainability YouTube channels? Your smartphone can come in handy, too. Try some of the best apps to increase sustainability and see how you can make positive changes in all areas of your life.

4. Learn From the Past to Rewild for the Future

Rewilding the environment means returning it to its prior state, so learning from the past is vital for informing the future. If you want to learn more about how your landscape looked in years gone by, you can use a website such as Old Maps Online.

This site is a free resource containing searchable maps from regions throughout the world across different eras. These historical documents reveal valuable information about the topography of your environment. They provide a unique resource for learning about how habitats have changed over time. You can help find opportunities for rewilding using the geographical and geological data contained in the maps.

5. Use Identification Apps to Plant Suitable Plants

If you have a garden or an area for planting, leaving some of your space undisturbed to rewild or revert to its natural state is important, but it’s only part of the process. Planting native species will help to support the natural ecosystem of your environment. An app such as PictureThis can help you identify suitable plants for your land. Just point it at any plant, and it will instantly tell you the species and offer lots of helpful information to help you make informed decisions.

Download: PictureThis for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

6. Plant a Tree Using a Website

In one year, a human breathes the amount of oxygen produced by eight trees. A solution to balancing out all that exhaled carbon dioxide with new oxygen is to plant more native trees. Many carbon offset schemes are available now, designed for individuals and businesses.

Ensure you choose one like the Plant a Tree Foundation that follows rewilding principles, planting suitable trees that are native to their ecosystem. This helps prevent deforestation, restore the balance of nature, and create an environment in which native species can thrive in a world that’s healthier for everyone.

7. Boycott Companies Without Sustainable Policies

As a consumer, you wield power every day in the decisions you make about what products you buy and which companies you support. Make informed choices about your options using websites such as Green America and Ethical Consumer. These UK-based websites are reliable sources of information on this issue.

Boycotting companies that refuse to commit to sustainable practices is a practical way to use your voice and show that you value a more sustainable future for everyone. Here are some other websites for planning a sustainable vacation.

Choose Sustainable Ways of Living For Everyone’s Well-Being

It is easy to feel powerless in the face of the global climate emergency. But it is important to remember that every action you take to support the rewilding of the planet can positively impact everyone. Try to live as sustainably as possible and take care to ensure that your own home and business are eco-friendly.

The resources here are reminders that every person is part of a global effort to save the world. It’s not yet too late to avoid catastrophe if everyone works together.