With a growing passion for exploring new and unique areas of study, students wish to pursue various unusual college majors. Freshers nowadays have an unyielding idea about their future careers. Hence, waste no time looking for colleges with degrees that will gradually lead them to their ultimate goal.

With the introduction of unusual college majors, schools are shifting their focus from conventional degrees. From learning the art of auctioning to exploring social media outside their ordinary, day-to-day lives, these seven unusual college majors will keep students gripped.

Bagpipe Performance, Packaging, and other unusual college majors

1) Auctioneering

Auctioneering is undoubtedly the perfect college major for students wishing to participate in auctions without paying a fortune for exquisite merchandise.

Situated in Pennsylvania, Harrisburg Area Community College introduces an auctioneering program, making students develop an eye to acquiring auctioning skills. Using the best techniques and resources, students can grow into licensed auctioneers following the completion of the program.

2) Family Enterprise

It is strongly believed that commencing business operations with friends is risky, whereas family inclined businesses tend to bring favorable and fortunate situations. A few of the greatest corporations, such as Ford, Walmart, The Gap, and Motorola, were initiated as family businesses, which later on took off to seize the market.

The Family Enterprise at Stetson University took off in 1998. Ever since, it has been teaching students about the requirements to tackle difficulties faced by businesses owned and managed by families. The program’s purpose is to assist upcoming generations in steering through varied issues in family businesses.

3) Egyptology

As Egypt’s great pyramids have become a world-renowned tourist spot, people have become increasingly curious about Egypt’s historical references. Brown University introduced one of its unusual college majors called the Egyptology program in 2006 that educates students on ancient Egyptian languages, culture, and history.

Although The Mummy movies have given quite an insight into the history behind the pyramids, every individual inspired by Indiana Jones’ adventures would want an exploration drive of their own. Students may even get lucky by stumbling upon new discoveries or Cleopatra’s treasures.

4) Packaging

Packaging has become an important factor considering its impact on climate. The study involves continuous efforts to improvise in usefulness and sustainability. With online services and the delivery of goods, packaging requires more attention than anticipated.

Seemingly one of the most unusual college majors, the School of Packaging at Michigan State University will gradually lead students to maintain a stable career because of the continuous growth and changes brought about in the packaging industry. Furthermore, an extra step towards recycling and utilizing packaging boxes is always appreciated as an advantage for the environment.

5) Adventure Education

Bear Grylls is an idol when it comes to adventures standing in line after Indiana Jones. People who wish to go on adventures must also understand the importance of survival in ruthless situations and uninhabitable lands.

All things considered, Mother Nature is only enjoyable if the adventurer is prepared for it. Adventure Education programs, like the one at Plymouth State University, provide outdoor exposure alongside classroom work focusing on challenges, safety, professional/personal growth, and leadership skills.

Upon completion of the program, graduates can pursue careers in the same and fulfill their dreams of traveling to untouched parts of the world.

6) Bagpipe Performance

From ancient Egypt to Scotland, the bagpipe has turned into a worldwide cultural phenomenon in representing the art of music. Students now wish to pursue careers as bagpipers or bagpipe trainers owing to the instrument’s unique heritage.

Bagpipe performance courses combine theoretical and practical uses of the instrument. Notwithstanding the urge to learn how to use it directly, gaining cultural and political knowledge is significantly important. The course aims to excel students in every aspect of it.

7) Social Media

Considerable schools have introduced Social Media programs in view of their universal outreach in promoting businesses, bridging communities, and shaping public opinion and ideas. The new perimeter of information technology has reached its global limits, making Social Media programs more relevant than ever.

Students can learn more about the platforms using day-to-day experiences alongside theoretical approaches. Popular schools such as the University of Florida, University of South Carolina, and Pace University offer a variety of programs for students willing to learn about social media and its impact on society as a whole.

Albert Einstein once said:

From this quote, knowledge seekers can infer that there is no limit to the human mind and thoughts. Developing times have made it possible to pursue dream careers as these unusual college majors set an example for the same.

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