Breaking up through text or over social media isn’t super kind or respectful. Put yourself in her shoes and think about how it might make you feel. Be mindful of her feelings, too.

For instance, you could start with something like, “I really like talking to you,” then you could mention a problem like, “But I’m not ready to commit to a serious relationship right now,” and then deliver the news with something like, “So I think it’s for the best if we break up. ” It may feel uncomfortable, but she deserves to know the truth.

For instance, you could say something like, “I know I haven’t been spending much time with you, and that’s my fault. ” Sometimes a relationship’s failure can be more her fault than yours. If she cheated on you, you can still show her respect when you break things off.

For instance, if you’d tell your friend something like, “She never makes any time for you and you feel like she’s holding you back from being happy. ” Sometimes it can be hard to step outside of ourselves and identify a problem. This exercise can help you think about your situation from a different perspective.

For example, you could try saying something like, “I just don’t feel like we’re connecting anymore and I’d like to take a break to see how I really feel about us. ” If you still really feel like you don’t want to be with her after you’ve had some time apart, you can simply stay broken up.

Even if things ended on a bad note and you have some anger or resentment toward her, just let it go. The sooner you can move past it, the better.

A text message also removes some of the more intense emotions from a breakup. Seeing your face can make it harder for her to handle the news.

You could try saying something like, “I like hanging out with you, but I don’t think we’re meant to be a couple. Can we still be friends?”

Nobody likes getting broken up with, but it’s important that you’re honest with her about how you feel. Try saying something like, “I really like hanging out with you, but I don’t think we have the same connection. I think we should break up so we can both be happy. ”

Your home may seem like a good idea, but she may feel angry, trapped, or uncomfortable there once you tell her that you want to break up.