You can also check mirrors in dressing rooms. Depending on which state you’re in, some stores are allowed to put in surveillance cameras.

Spy cameras are getting smaller and smaller, so get really close to look for the camera lens.

Do you see a small gap between your fingertip and the reflection? Great! This means it’s a standard mirror and there’s nothing to worry about.

If you want to try the flashlight tip, stand really close to the mirror and slowly shine the light over the entire surface, changing the angle as you go. Look for a very small reflection of light that’s not coming from your flashlight.

This tip works best for smaller wifi networks since large networks will show lots of connected devices. Not sure if a listed device is a camera? Sometimes, it can be tricky to tell what an unknown device is. Write down the IP address and run it through a port scanning app, which can give you some useful clues.

To use the app, open it on your device so your phone emits red light. If you can, turn off the lights in your room and slowly sweep the red light over the mirror. Look for the tiny white reflection of a camera lens.

Go slowly when you look at the mirror since the camera reflection will just be a tiny point of light.

If you feel like your privacy was violated, it’s totally alright to contact your lawyer, too.