For instance, its audio adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s graphic-novel series The Sandman has earned rave reviews, and celebrities like Queen Latifah continue to join the Audible family bringing exciting new projects.

However, with so much content already available, how does a listener avoid the misses and find the hits? Follow these steps to discover the best books on Audible.

1. Always Listen to the Previews

It doesn’t matter if you love the author, are intrigued by the blurb, have heard good things about the series, or believe the subject matter perfectly fits your interests–always play the sample recording! The button is located under the cover pic in the book’s entry. Then ask yourself: Can I spend the next 10 or more hours listening to this person’s voice?

Occasionally, for whatever reason, narration just won’t gel for a listener. Perhaps you’re revisiting a familiar romance in audio form, but the narrator’s voice doesn’t match how the heroine sounds “in your head”. Maybe the way they pronounce a certain technical term is annoying enough to ruin your enjoyment of a serious non-fiction work.

Better to discover these types of deal-breakers before paying money or using a monthly credit on a title you are unlikely to finish. (Though it is possible to return Audible books.)

2. Follow Your Favorite Narrators

When you do encounter a narrator whose voice delights your ears, make sure you click on their name next to the “Narrated by” tag or plug it into the search box to see what else they’ve done. An actor who has read one murder mystery will often have recorded more.

This is also a method for uncovering content of which you were not previously aware, including anthologies and other special titles that utilize multiple narrators/performers. The search can be further narrowed by clicking on a category on the left, e.g. Poetry.

And remember that there may be more than one different recording of a book, both on Audible and off-especially when it comes to classics. So if someone tells you they’ve relished hearing Dickens’ David Copperfield on their drives to and from the office, ask for the narrator’s name.

3. Investigate the Publishers, Too

Little touches like snatches of music or atmospheric background noise or vocal effects can make or break an audiobook.

When you come across a title that demonstrates next-level production, click on the name of the company responsible beside the “Publisher” tag and examine the rest of their Audible inclusions. Chances are at least some of those will feature the same high quality of soundscape. And as with a narrator, a publisher search can be refined by category.

4. Note the Ratings, But Read the Reviews

While ratings are a useful guide to which books your fellow users have like/disliked, not everyone marks fairly. If you want opinions on a title you’re considering purchasing, pay closer attention to the reviewers’ words than the scores they award.

As demonstrated across the internet, exceptionally low ratings can be a real turn-off. However, upon reading the reviews in question, you may find that the corresponding criticisms are trivial or don’t match what 99 percent of people are saying. Conversely, full marks are easy to award immediately after finishing a volume, while “on a high” and without critical distance.

5. Look for Helpful Listener Pages

Continuing on from step 4, if you strike a reviewer who seems to appreciate exactly what you yourself appreciate, click on their name beside the review and investigate the other audios they’ve taken the time to write about. (And note how many “helpful votes” they have received.)

This is a further method for uncovering content potentially suited to your interests. Alternatively, it might reveal that said user raves about every football memoir published while being super critical of novels. We all have our biases!

But if the reviewer has adored half a dozen historical sagas you’ve adored, you’re probably safe in trying another of their favorites.

6. The Award Winners Section Is Your Friend

One of the handy categories that Audible provides for listeners to explore is the Award Winners section. This identifies the titles that have taken famous prizes, including the Man Booker (literary fiction), the Hugo (fantasy and sci-fi), and the CWA Gold Dagger (crime fiction). It’s hard to go too far wrong with one of these, although don’t ignore steps 1 and 4 above.

It’s also worth paying closer attention to the Audies subsection, since these annual awards are specifically given to audiobooks, i.e. the actual product you will be buying as opposed to the print alternative.

7. Keep an Eye on the Special Offers

Check the Deals section regularly for titles at reduced prices. If you’re going to stumble onto an audio miss, it’s better if you got it cheap. Similarly, a hit will be all the sweeter if it was on sale.

The same goes for the Bonus Audios and Editor’s Extra sections, because the only thing better than a great cheap audiobook is a great free audiobook!

Even if you’re on the verge of canceling Audible, these frequently updated reductions and limited-time freebies may just change your mind.

Finding the Best Books on Audible

To sum up, if you want to discover the best books on Audible, always listen to the preview to ensure you like how it sounds enough to listen for several hours and make a habit of following the work of trusted narrators and publishers.

Be sure to take review scores with a grain of salt, while looking out for kindred spirits who could provide valuable recommendations. And pay attention to the award-winning content, particularly Audie winners, as well as member discounts that will make poor choices a lot less costly.