
When is it a good idea to minimum raise? It depends on the table you are playing at. If you are going to be the first one to act then you should have a really good hand or you are out of position. There are situations when you don’t have to think of the value of your hand but just the situation of the pot. If you have a medium kind of hand, you should then definitely fold rather than risking it.


Position is very important at the table. It depends on the situation and the pot odds. A player should want to try to play more hands in position on the button then add a position in the big blind if you want. Be very selective about the hands you are holding and willing to call raises with the big blind also. If you are playing a bad hand in position then make sure you come in with a raise instead of just lumping on.


Flopping is often game-changing so it is crucial not to miss out on it. Flopping is the action of dealing the first three face-up cards on the table. When you miss the flop, the wise thing to do is just get out than playing a bluff. Stretching it might just cost you a big loss.


If you have an aggressive player before you who plays a lot of pots then you need to slow your roll and set a lot of traps. You have to play a little more conservatively without opening many pots. At the same time, you do you want to sort of let the player think that you are making him do all the pushing and let him keep hanging. Whenever a player is too aggressive, you should play soft but when someone is too tight and conservative, then you be the bully.

Identify a player’s tells

Learn to read people better if you are playing in casinos with real money. See the way they are dressed, the way they shuffle their chips and how much time they take on their turn. From that, you can tell if they are good or not. Maybe even ask them what they do for a living, so you will know if they are risk takers or not. Make friends on the table so they will respect you and maybe go easy on you if they see you losing. Reading the player comes handy as in poker you play the player, not the cards.

Set a cash limit

If you are a newbie to the game, always have a cash limit for the day. While playing with real money you want to have a small budget for starters. Let’s say you have ₹1500 in your account, you want to make sure that money stretches and stays for long. Start at the bottom with a really low buy-in and play it safe in the beginning.

Mental state

While playing poker what really defines you as a player is your ability to keep your head in the game. Best thing to do is keep your mind relaxed and happy before and during the game. For a tournament player it is essential to have a good state of mind. This is where meditation, exercise and a good healthy diet comes in handy. A happy and positive mind helps you cope up with pressure and perform better.

Poker is not a sprint, it is like a marathon. A poker player should be equipped with necessary skills and intelligence to succeed as a player. After all, it is a mind game, so play wisely.

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