This article explains more about cyclic mastalgia and how it differs from noncyclic mastalgia, which is unrelated to your menstrual cycle. It also details things you can do to ease this kind of discomfort.

Strategies for how to reduce breast pain before your period include:

Natural remedies and lifestyle changes (e. g. , warm compresses, limiting caffeine)Dietary and nutritional supplements (e. g. , vitamin E)OTC medication (e. g. , pain relievers)Prescription medications (e. g. , hormones)

Understanding Mastalgia

The exact cause of cyclic breast pain and swelling is not known, but it’s likely related to the normal hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. Cyclic mastalgia affects women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, most often in the week before their period begins.

The pain often settles on the top and bottom regions of both breasts, and it can fan out to the underarm, too. Sometimes the breasts can feel tender and swollen at the same time. Most women with mastalgia have cyclic mastalgia.

Noncyclic Mastalgia

The second type of mastalgia—noncyclic mastalgia—has no direct link to the menstrual cycle. In fact, the source of the pain may start somewhere else (like a nearby muscle or joint).

The pain could range from mild soreness to a sharp stabbing or burning sensation. Women who have already gone through menopause are more likely to encounter noncyclic mastalgia.

Causes include:

Large drooping breastsHigh-fat diet, smoking, caffeineHormonal contraceptionPregnancy

An over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen often will help.

Breast Cancer

Breast pain is not a common sign of breast cancer.

The more worrisome symptoms of breast cancer include:

A lump in the breast or underarmInflammation of a breastA change in the size or shape of a breastIrritation or dimpling of breast skinNipple discharge

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s vital that you waste no time contacting your healthcare provider. A breast exam may be recommended, especially if your symptoms and/or age and family history suggest you’re at risk.

Natural Remedies

Try a few natural options if you experience breast pain in tandem with your periods and don’t want to take medication:

Apply warm or cold compresses, as needed. Wear a comfortable sports bra. If the volume of your breasts has increased due to swelling, your usual bra may be too tight. The underwire may be especially uncomfortable. You may wish to choose a soft, supportive cup instead of forcing your swollen breasts into your usual bra. Limit your caffeine intake.  In general, scientists recommend that women with mastalgia limit their caffeine intake. It isn’t clear how much caffeine it takes to set off cyclic breast pain. But the potential for pain increases with the amount of caffeine consumed. Add flaxseed to your diet.  Some evidence suggests that ground flaxseed can help reduce cyclic breast pain. Sprinkle flaxseed in smoothies, add it to baked goods before you pop them in the oven, or top your cereal with a spoonful. Supplement with chaste berry.  There is some evidence that chaste berry (Vitex agnus-castus) supplements can help reduce the symptoms of cyclic mastalgia. The typical dose of chaste berry used in studies was between 20 to 40 milligrams daily. Take vitamin E.  A good multivitamin might be a good option for you.

Medical Treatment Options

If these natural approaches don’t help, your healthcare provider may suggest:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Hormonal medications, such as Danocrine (danazol), Nolvadex (tamoxifen), or Parlodel (bromocriptine)

Be sure to tell your healthcare provider about any herbal supplements you may be taking. There is a chance they could interact with these medications.


Cyclic mastalgia is linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle, and noncyclic mastalgia is more likely to affect post-menopausal women. The pain can be so severe and worrisome—but it’s rarely a sign of breast cancer. Sometimes medication can help, and there are several natural ways to ease the pain if you’d prefer to steer clear of medication.