Stop using the oil immediately if your experience any skin irritation. You may even want to perform a patch test (placing a coin-sized amount of the oil behind your ear) 48 hours before using the oil. You might also find mustard oil in the international foods aisle at your local grocery store.

If you didn’t warm the oil up in a bowl, transfer it to one after you’ve warmed it up and bring it over to where you’ll be applying the oil to your hair.

Be sure that you’re wearing old clothes or at least a towel over your shoulders to protect your clothes. Wear gloves to protect your hands from being stained by the oil. Apply a layer of petroleum jelly or a thick moisturizer over your neck, ears and hairline to protect them from being stained. Cover your work area in newspaper or old towels.

You can apply the oil with your hands, with a hair dye application brush, or with a bottle applicator, which is made for runny products. You can purchase a hair dyeing brush or a bottle applicator at a drugstore or beauty supplies shop.

If you really want to use conditioner, apply only a small amount to the bottom half of your hair.

If it’s been more than 48 hours since you’ve washed your hair, then your natural oils can prevent the amla from absorbing.

Amla has strong antioxidant qualities that make it very good for your scalp, so take time to give yourself a bit of a scalp massage while the mixture is on your head![3] X Research source

It is more common to use amla in conjunction with henna, to aid with darkening and moisturizing the hair.

If you buy henna from a natural foods or drugstore, read the ingredients to ensure that it only contains natural ingredients. Some manufacturers combine henna with the harmful chemicals commonly found in regular hair dyes. Note that pure henna powder will dye your hair a reddish brown color. If you’re looking to go dark brown or black, it will likely have other plants (for example, indigo) in it. Just be sure to read the label to make sure that all of the ingredients in the package are natural! If you want to use henna, remember that it is a vegetable dye, so it cannot be removed from your hair or lightened with bleach or other dyes.

You will also need something to cover your hair once the henna is on: shrink wrap is a popular choice, but a shower cap or plastic bag will also do.

Common ingredients for a basic henna paste are boiling hot water, lemon juice, and the henna powder. The texture you want is similar to mashed potatoes. [4] X Research source Some henna manufacturers require that you let the paste sit for several hours before applying. Read the instructions that came with your henna package to see if you need to let it sit.

Be sure that you add a lot of paste to each section of hair. You want your hair to be fully saturated. You might find it helpful to apply the henna with a hair dye application brush. If it’s too chunky for the brush, don’t worry! It’s also okay to apply it with your (gloved!) hands.

Wrapping your head is very important because it will keep the henna from drying out, which would make it stop working.

You might find it more effective to wash your hair in the sink or under the faucet in the bathtub. It will be pretty messy as chunks of henna come out of your hair, which is why many people prefer not to do it as they shower.

You can purchase these products at most drugstores. Some hair salons might have more effective (but also more expensive) versions.

Fill a bottle 1/2 full with shampoo and 1/2 full with cocoa powder, then shake it vigorously until the two are completely mixed together.

After shampooing and rinsing your hair, pour the mixture over your hair. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes under a plastic cap, then rinse it out with lukewarm water. [12] X Research source

Another method would be to pour the coffee into a large bowl and then dip your hair into it and hold it there for several seconds.