Don’t be obvious about the full moon to your friends, but do make sure they notice it — while you’re walking you can just say “Wow, the moon is so huge tonight!” or something like that.

Note that it’ll have to be a larger group in order for you to disappear easily. Aim for at least 3 other people: the more the better. If you can’t find a good time to slip away, tell your friends you need to pee and that they can keep walking — you’ll catch up.

Resist the urge to laugh here. If you think you might laugh, make sure you’re far enough away from them that they won’t hear you, and try to stifle the sound by burying your face in your jacket and hands.

If you don’t think you can make a good howling noise, maybe play one on your smart phone or some other recording device. After making the howling noise, remain hidden while you run past them. If you’re on a tree-lined street or in the woods, run quick and loudly, being sure that they hear your footsteps. If it’s very dark, you may need to move more slowly to avoid tripping and falling. If you can’t get close to them without them seeing you, throw large rocks towards (not at) them instead. You can also snap branches in your hands. These thudding and snapping sounds should startle your friends, too.

When they ask what’s wrong, tell them that you think you saw something in the woods — that it looked kind of like a large wolf. Say that you felt it brush past you. To heighten your story, you might even rub a small amount of fake blood on your wrist. If you do this, don’t mention it. Just rub your wrist lightly as if it’s in pain, and if your friends ask about it, say you think you must have scratched it on something while you were running away.

Dog-like things might include sniffing at food before you eat it or scratching at the couch to make it more comfortable before you sit down on it. You’ll also get your friends wondering what’s wrong if you act weird whenever they mention that night where you supposedly saw the wolf. If they mention the night, look serious and scared for a minute, and then change the subject.

He can say he even thought he saw you chasing someone’s cat the other day, for example.

Another thing you could do is get your friend who’s in on the prank to tell your friends he saw you go into a certain space — an abandoned house or a creepy schoolyard, or the woods, for example. Your friend can bring your other friends there, and you can hide then jump out at them wearing a werewolf mask.

You can even make the howling sounds get louder right before you jump out and scare them. Don’t forget to make sure you reveal yourself as a werewolf on the next full moon — your friends might still get scared if it’s not a full moon, but a full moon will be the most effective time to reveal yourself as a werewolf.

10 to 20 feet of clear fishing line (more if you have high ceilings) 1 hook 1 large but realistic fake spider (you can also go big and hairy if you want!)

You may want to leave the line near a light or the TV instead of where you’re sitting on the couch if you think that your friend might sit close enough to you on the couch that they can see you pulling the fishing line. The best setup is to be able to control the spider from behind the couch or curtain, when your friend isn’t even aware you’re in the room.

Exactly how you do this will depend on the layout of your room. You may need to get creative! If you live with other people, ask them to tell your friend you’ll be there in a minute, and to have a seat. Then, once they’ve sat down, you can drop the spider on them from your hiding place.

1 balloon Duct tape Cake plate A medium-small box (size of a cake) Icing (make sure it’s thick and opaque) Sprinkles Friend who likes cake Real cake to say you’re sorry (optional)

A huge sheet-cake-sized box could also work but isn’t ideal, as it would just require more balloons and more icing.

You can also use painting tape or electrical tape if you don’t have duct tape. Just don’t use Scotch tape, as this will be too thin and not sticky enough to properly hold in the balloon. You want to use enough tape that the balloon sits firmly in the box and doesn’t move around when you touch it.

Make sure the icing is thick and opaque — you don’t wan it to be runny or see-through, or it’ll be easier to tell what’s underneath it.

For example, if you’re having a movie night, you could say that you were bored at home and felt like making some cake. If you do this, you can’t push them to eat it otherwise they might know something’s up. You’ll have to wait for them to want the cake and cut it.

If your friend doesn’t seem to want the cake, you can ask them to cut you a slice, but this might be more obvious. If they go into the kitchen to get themselves a drink, you could say, “Hey do you mind cutting me a piece of that cake?” and then act like you’re busy on your phone.

What if you heard frightening noises coming from under your bed? Would this scare you? What if you heard noises coming from your closet, or maybe the bathroom down the hall? You could even do this outside at night if you’re camping, but it might be a bit more tricky!

Possible locations for the speaker include under the bed, in the closet, in the bathtub behind the shower curtain, or anywhere else where you’re planning to have the scary noises come from. Be sure that no one catches you hiding the speaker, and that it’s well-hidden, or the prank will be over. Remember that at night, the speaker’s light might glow in the dark, so you’ll want to make sure it’s properly hidden. Make sure the speaker is on and that the batteries are well charged when you hide it.

Example: “Where is she where is she where is she I know she was here I know it I saw her … [pause and then loudly whisper the person you’re pranking’s name while smiling] … yes that’s her name, that’s her — Shhh shhh shhhhhh. I think she hears us!” Then be quiet for a few moments, then shout “LET ME OUT!” then start whining or crying, or laughing maniacally. Ideally you don’t want to stop until you can hear the person freaking out. If you’re trying to scare children, keep it tame — for example, “What’s that smell? What’s that smell? I smell smelly feet … they make me hungry, I’m going to EAT THEM!”

Forums like Reddit No Sleep or Reddit Ghost Stories are great sources for frightening tales. [2] X Research source [3] X Research source One way to create your own scary story is to use another story as a template and then change the details to fit your location — for example, instead of “at a scary house somewhere” you can name a spooky-looking house in your city and say that you heard about something that happened there.

The more things your scary story has in common with where you are and who you’re with, the scarier it will be.

You might even want to record yourself telling the story so that you can get a sense of how you sound and (if you have a video camera/smart phone with video function) look while telling the story.

You can say that you don’t like to think about it because when you do, you get bad dreams and feel uneasy in the days following it, but it’s a good story so you’ll try to share it. You can even look behind you uneasily, or glance from side to side nervously.

You don’t want to be overdramatic, but you can definitely pause for dramatic effect during the story, and you can adjust the volume of your voice, too.

Making a loud noise such as clapping, stomping, or shouting is a fun way to finish a scary story — if done right, this is sure to get a scream from your audience.

If you’re doing this at a home where there will be parents present, make sure the parents know about the prank, otherwise they might wonder what’s going on when they hear someone laughing maniacally in the middle of the night.

You could eat and then say you’re not feeling well, and say that you haven’t been feeling well a lot lately — something up with your stomach. You could mention that you’ve been having bad dreams, and then describe dreams in which a weird face appears in the darkness above you, or in which shadow people hover over you in your sleep.

If no one says anything as you leave, say “Ugh I have to pee again already” as you walk out, just to make sure they notice you’re gone. If you’re worried no one will notice you, or that you might wake up other people in the house, you can even do the prank in the bedroom — in this case, you’ll want to be the first one in the bedroom so that when everyone comes in, you’re already sitting in the chair in your “trance”.

Will you slump in the chair or sit perfectly upright, almost as if something is pulling you up toward the ceiling? Your body language is important here, so whatever you do, keep it in mind.

To figure out how to move your head, imagine there is something moving around on the wall or ceiling and that your gaze is following it. You might even imagine that something is something crouched in the top corner of the room staring down at you.

Really you can make whatever sounds you want — just make sure they’re creepy! If you’re planning on screaming when your friends find you, keep your noises fairly quiet. That way, the abrupt change in volume will be extra frightening.

When a friend tries to touch/talk to you, you can stare at them blankly and then scream, or you could stare at them blankly for a moment before blinking your eyes and shaking your head a bit, then returning to normal. If you do the second option, make sure that you act defensive or like you have no idea what they’re talking about when your friends try to mention the incident.

Liquid dishwashing detergent A cup of water Some cotton swabs

”Help me” ”I see you” ”Hello?” ”Stuck in here” ”Watching you” ”Die”

You can use a blow-dryer on it to help it dry more quickly, if you’re in a rush.

For example, you might say that you heard a cracking noise last night when you were in there, and have been feeling uneasy going in there since, like something is watching you.