If the weather is bad or you do not want to go out, then go to the gym or do sit-ups inside the house as a form of exercise.

Travel and expose yourself to different lifestyles and cultures[1] X Expert Source Seth HallLife Coach Expert Interview. 16 November 2021. Trying a new kind of food Checking out a new club or hang-out spot Playing a new sport Exploring a new area of wilderness.

You’ll never make new friends from inside your home, so get out there! Getting out of the house is the most crucial, pivotal step in turning a boring holiday into a fun, productive one.

Try such artistic endeavors as clay modelling, or a collage, or even start decorating your room. Choose things that let you express your mind.

Try cloud-watching or star-gazing. It’s a good excuse to lie on the ground and just watch the sky fly by.