Talk to your child about appropriate cell phone use. Do not be afraid to set limits such as when they can use their phone and regularly monitor their web and text behavior. There is nothing wrong with a parent that is trying to be completely aware of his/ her child’s phone and internet activities. [3] X Trustworthy Source Pew Research Center Nonpartisan thinktank conducting research and providing information on public opinion, demographic trends, and social trends Go to source Set up a time to sit and talk with your significant other without any distractions. Set aside a couple hours for just the two of you. Use that time to discuss any concerns, doubts or fears that you have. You could also try writing them a letter in advance and then arrange a meeting in a neutral location (if that would be easier for you). Do not be judgmental or condescending, and never jump to conclusions or hurl unproven accusations at them. That will simply push the person away. They will not view these issues as simple concerns that you have (that you two can work through). They will instead view your hostility and accusations as proof that you do not trust them, at all. Just express how you feel and what actions led you to feel this way. Maybe they are not cheating, but their texting to another person might make you feel uncomfortable. Surely, if they are indeed not hiding anything, then they’ll understand your honest concerns. They would likely be more than willing to let you see what you wish to see. Keep in mind, information can be deleted and people do lie. You should still always attempt to talk with your partner. [4] X Research source

Do not delete any texts, call logs, or other data. Not only will this provide evidence of your spying, but can be considered theft and lead to criminal charges. Try to leave no trace of your spying, this can be difficult but always remember to mark messages you’ve read as unread and to close tabs that you’ve opened (that they haven’t. ) View and scan the target phone’s web history, texts and all calls visually at first. Only visually. If you must take notes for memory, take mental notes only or capture “screenshots. " Then send the screenshots to yourself, always be sure to delete the screenshots and messages that you sent! (The screenshot method is effective. ) Do not create a paper trail by writing anything down, ever! Even if you intend to throw out any notes, you run the risk of being implicated in a privacy violation. Capturing the screenshots and sending them to yourself via text or email is a much safer method of visual note taking and viewing. It also makes it much harder for anyone to track (delete at will), So long as you delete the screenshots and messages that you send!

If they act strange, and seem very nervous, be suspicions. If he/she suddenly says they need to do something first on the phone, “real quick,” you watch them, closely. They may be deleting evidence. If they flat out refuse, that’s weird and seems like they definitely have something to hide. Go straight to method 3 in that case. You should never refuse your spouse or significant other your phone. That looks bad, it sounds bad, and it is bad. How could you ever trust that?

If caught, unless you are afraid the other person may become verbally or physically violent, be honest as to why you are searching the texts. People often send texts without thinking, and they can be construed in ways other than their original meaning. You can also play this off as “checking the time” or saying that your own phone is dead, or you couldn’t sleep and wanted to search the web a bit. Have a fall back plan (open links on the web to something you’re interested in; this will make it seem like you were just browsing the internet). [5] X Research source If you find something incriminating, always allow the other person to clear–up any misunderstandings. If you still mistrust them, try method 3. If you find incriminating evidence of adultery you should think about contacting a lawyer, if you are married.

Consent from both parties to record electronic data is required in 12 states: California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington. Material stored on cellphones is considered private property and cannot be accessed in most situations without both parties consent. Another way around this (with prepaid devices you should be able to log into the account via the providers website (or built in application) and change the account name. ) All without changing or interrupting service.

You can monitor the phones whereabouts by it emitting regular GPS signals at specified intervals, (so long as the target device has GPS location turned on. )[7] X Research source Some apps are hidden, however others require them to be downloaded on both parties’ phones. While cellphone spyware programs are legal, you must either obtain permission from the person’s phone you wish to monitor, or the phone (and number) must be under your name. You can bypass this by informing them that you’d like to install a security monitoring program on their mobile device, just as you have on yours. They will more than likely consent. You have not lied or done anything illegal (they agree to have the application installed). Furthermore, if the device you wish to monitor is a prepaid device, you can log into the providers website (or access an application on the phone) and add your name on the account or change account names entirely. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, you can pay to have their service refilled a few times using your own credit/debit card. You already have a card associated with the account, so having your name on it shouldn’t feel like such a bad thing after you take this step. [8] X Research source These programs automatically save all texts, phone calls, and pictures, so even if something has been deleted off the phone it will be saved in a secure server online for you to view at any time. This type of spyware only works on smart phones, requires the user of the phone has internet access either through their cellular data network or WiFi. Some are completely free, most offer free trials and sometimes charge a for a monthly subscription. [9] X Research source

You can also choose to not present the evidence and tell them that you know. You can quote directly from the evidence (ensuring that they know, that you know. ) Let them know you’re done. You deserve happiness.

Rest easy because in the Android operating system you will/may receive notifications and warnings that a certain app may be used to spy on you. This will pin point the app, for an easy uninstall

Reinstalling your phone’s operating system (OS) also removes any spyware without deleting apps and data. [12] X Research source

Be aware that while information obtained from illegal monitoring of a spouse’s or employee’s phone can be insightful, it cannot be presented as evidence in a court of law. [14] X Research source [15] X Trustworthy Source United States Department of Justice Official website of the U. S. Department of Justice Go to source

While most states required only one party to be informed, you should be upfront with your employees that you are monitoring cellphone use and activity. Let them know why you are collecting information. In California, it is illegal to intentionally record or intercept phone calls without permission from everyone involved.

Some companies charge a fee, but provide access to cellphone records include name and address associated with the phone number a complete record of ingoing and outgoing calls. If you share a cellphone data plan, you can either call the provider or log into your account to search phone records.