Topic sentence. A topic sentence explains to the reader what the paragraph is about. It usually ties back to the bigger argument in some way, and it explains why the paragraph belongs in the essay. Sometimes a topic sentence might be 2 or even 3 sentences long, though it is usually just a single sentence. [2] X Research source Evidence. Most body paragraphs in an argumentative paper include some kind of proof that your position is the correct one. This evidence can be all kinds of things: quotations, surveys, or even your own observations. [3] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC’s on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source Your paragraphs are where this evidence can be presented in a convincing way. [4] X Research source Analysis. A good paragraph doesn’t just present evidence. It also takes some time to explain why the evidence is worthwhile, what it means, and why it is better than other pieces of evidence out there. This is where your own analysis comes into play. Conclusions and transitions. After the analysis, a good paragraph will conclude by explaining why the paragraph is significant, how it fits in with the thesis of the essay, and will begin to set up the next paragraph. [5] X Research source

If they share common themes or ideas If they share a common source (such as the same document or study) If they share a common author If they are the same type of evidence (such as two surveys that demonstrate similar results)

You must define any key terms or jargon that might be unfamiliar to your reader. (What) You must provide any key dates and locations, if relevant (such as where a historical document was signed). (When/Where) You must describe how evidence was obtained. For example, you might want to explain the methods of a scientific study that provided you with your evidence. (How) You must explain who provided you with your evidence. Do you have a quotation from an expert? Why is this person considered knowledgeable about your topic? (Who) You must explain why you think this evidence is important or notable. (Why)

What is it that ties this evidence together? How does this evidence help prove my thesis? Are there any counterpoints or alternative explanations I should keep in mind? What makes this evidence stand out? Is there anything special or interesting about it?

“The high ratings that Charlie Brown television specials have garnered for decades demonstrate the influence of this character. " “Some people contend that superheroes such as Superman are more important than Charlie Brown. However, studies show that most Americans identify more readily with the hapless Charlie than with the powerful, alien Superman. " “Media historians point to Charlie Brown’s catchphrases, distinctive appearance, and sage wisdom as reasons why this character is beloved by adults and children alike. "

If there are too many ideas, you may need to break up the paragraph into two separate paragraphs. Be sure that your topic sentence isn’t simply a restatement of the thesis itself. Each paragraph should have a distinct, unique topic sentence. If you are simply restating “Charlie Brown is important” at the beginning of each body paragraph, you will have to narrow down your topic sentences more thoroughly. [14] X Research source

When you begin to discuss a different theme or topic When you begin to address contrasting ideas or counterarguments When you address a different type of evidence When you discuss a different time period, generation, or person When your current paragraph is becoming unwieldy. If you have too many sentences in your paragraph, you may have too many ideas. Either cut your paragraph into two, or edit down your writing to make it more readable.

An anecdote: “When he was growing up, Samuel Clemens watched steamboats on the Mississippi River and dreamed of being a river boat captain. ” A statistic: “Women directed a mere seven percent of major Hollywood films in 2014. ”[18] X Research source A quotation: “ ‘I am glad to see that men are getting their rights,’ Sojourner Truth said in 1867, ‘but I want women to get theirs, and while the water is stirring I will step into the pool. ‘” A thought-provoking question: “What will Social Security look like in 50 years?”

“Since the beginning of time . . . " “From the beginning of mankind . . . " “All men and women ask themselves . . . " “Every human on the planet . . . "

If possible, avoid phrases such as “In this paper, I will argue that Social Security is ineffective” or “This paper focuses on the ineffectiveness of Social Security. ” Instead, simply make your point: “Social Security is an ineffective system. "

Read your paragraph out loud to see if your sentences are clear and easy to follow. If you have to take a lot of breaths while you read, or if you have a hard time keeping track of your ideas out loud, you should shorten your sentences.

Argumentative. You cannot simply state something that is common knowledge or basic fact. “Ducks are birds” is not a thesis statement. Convincing. Your thesis must be based in evidence and careful analysis. [21] X Research source Do not posit a wild, deliberately unconventional, or unprovable thesis. Follow where your evidence leads. Appropriate to your assignment. Remember to adhere to all parameters and guidelines of your paper assignment. Manageable in the space allotted. Keep your thesis narrow and focused. That way you might be able to prove your point in the space given to you. Do not make a thesis statement that is too large (“I have discovered a new reason why World War II occurred”) or too small (“I will argue that left-handed soldiers put on their coats differently from right-handed soldiers”). [22] X Research source

For example, if you started your paper with a quote from Sojourner Truth, you might start the conclusion with: “Even though Sojourner Truth spoke almost 150 years ago, her statement continues to ring true today. ”

For example, you could write: “Is an e-cigarette really any different from a regular cigarette?”

You can start off by writing, “In summary, the cultural policies of the European Union support global trade in three ways. ”

Always change paragraphs when a different speaker begins using dialogue. Having two characters use dialogue in the same paragraph creates confusion for your reader.

Longer paragraphs can help establish a thick, nuanced description of a person, place, or object. Shorter paragraphs can help establish humor, shock, or fast-paced action and dialogue.

Provide your reader with key background information Advance the plot of your story Show how your characters relate to one another Describe the setting of your story Explain a character’s motivations Provoke an emotional reaction from your reader, such as fear, laughter, distress, or sentiment.

Write a letter from one character to another Write a few pages of a journal from your character’s perspective Read about the time and place where your story is set. What historical details are the most interesting to you? Write a timeline of plot events to keep you oriented Do a “freewrite” exercise, where you spend 15 minutes writing everything you can think of about your story. You can sort it out and organize it later.

For example, you might write: “Firstly…” The next paragraph would start with, “Secondly…” The third paragraph could start with either “Thirdly…” or “Finally…” Other words to signal a sequence are: eventually, ultimately, at first, in the first place, in the second place, or lastly.

For example, use phrases like “in comparison” or “similarly” to compare. Use phrases such as “in spite of,” “however,” “nevertheless,” or “on the contrary” to signal that the paragraph will contrast or oppose the idea from the previous paragraph.

Use phrases like “for example,” “for instance,” “thus,” or “more specifically. " You might also use an example type of transition when you are putting special emphasis on the example. In this case, use transition words like “particularly” or “notably. ” For example, you might write: “Most notably, Sojourner Truth was an outspoken critic of the patriarchal system of the Reconstruction era. ”

Words like “fortunately,” “luckily,” “oddly enough,” and “unfortunately” are useful here.

For example, you might write: “Sojourner Truth was, most notably, an outspoken critic…” “Ultimately, we can see . . . " “And, finally, the expert witness claimed . . . "