It’s so easy to press play once and consume an entire season in one go. But spending hours upon hours watching a screen is hardly the healthiest activity you can do, both mentally and physically. So here are some ways you can stop yourself from falling into the pits of binge-watching shows.

1. Use App Blockers

Manage the amount of time you spend staring at a screen by using app blockers. You can utilize app blockers to stop yourself from wasting too much time binging a series when it’s so much better to divvy up your watch time and have frequent breaks.

Most app blockers let you set a timer for exactly how long you want the app to be inaccessible. Once that time runs out, you’re free to use the app once more. It’s an excellent way to force a break between episodes.

Whether you turn to app blockers to avoid distraction and improve focus or simply to look away from a show for a bit, know they’re excellent either way.

2. Set Reminders

Sometimes you get too wrapped up in the moment, and time gets away from you. If you’d rather avoid losing precious time binging, utilize reminders.

You can set different reminder tools to help you take breaks frequently to avoid binge-watching an entire show in one go. For example, if you’re watching a show on your PC, you can set reminders in Windows. Or, if you’re staring at a different screen, you can always get an iPhone app to set break reminders.

If that seems too easy to ignore or miss, you can also turn to your Google Home to remind you that it’s break time. Don’t get swept up in a show only to come out of a daze eight hours later and realize you spent your day watching a screen.

3. Stop Using Autoplay

Autoplay enables binging more than anything. Even if you’re undecided about whether to continue watching, it takes the choice away from you. All it takes is for you to move a bit too slow or not realize where you’ve left the remote, and that’s it. The next episode is already playing.

You were thinking of stopping? Well, too late now because it’s already started, so you might as well continue, right? So you just let it play out and spend too much time in front of a screen.

If you want to avoid that, simply turn autoplay off—yes, you can do that. It’s as simple as going to your settings and disabling the feature.

With no autoplay, you can stop binging before things get too out of hand since you actively decide whether to continue watching. You have to choose to play episode number four and realize that you’ve already spent three hours watching a screen.

4. Have a Watch Party

Watch parties are super fun, and it’s safe to say that every prominent streaming service offers a way for you to have one. So take advantage, and have a watch party with friends or family. What better way to pace yourself with a show than to abide by several schedules?

After all, not everyone can spend eight consecutive hours (or more with some series) watching, so you’ll be forced to split up the watch time. That way, it’s both something to look forward to each time you gather and a way to avoid straining your eyes.

Of course, since there are many ways to watch movies together online, you don’t need to wait for your friends or family. You can also keep it spicy, send a link out on a social media platform like Twitter, and have strangers join in on your party. Think of the commentary you’ll share while watching.

You can also make it an event with a different theme for each episode to keep it fun. For example, you can get themed drinks or snacks to match the show’s vibe or dress as certain characters. You also have a ton of freedom on how to watch the show—an episode a day, every other day, or a weekly watch party.

Watch parties force you to pace yourself, so you wouldn’t be able to binge a show in one go, but at the same time, they make the viewing a much more fun experience. So give it a try next time a show drops on Netflix. After all, too much binge-watching can harm your health, so it’s best to avoid that.

5. Use a Show to Reward Your Productivity

If you treat watching episodes as a reward for good behavior, you’ll undoubtedly space your episodes at least somewhat. Think about it; you watch an episode after completing a job. It could be a chore like doing the dishes or folding the laundry, or it could be more time-consuming, like grocery shopping.

The tasks are up to you, so you can choose how involved they are, but even if they only take five minutes to complete, they still give you some time to look away from the screen. And, hopefully, stretch your legs.

Reward your productivity; even if there’s a cliffhanger, don’t shirk the plan.

6. Be Productive While Watching a Show

Create a connection between a show and a task. For example, you only watch a certain show while working out. Whether you’re doing it at a gym or home, you can only view a show while doing physical activity. So, no series unless you’re on the bike.

Or, you can play it while you’re meal-prepping. The task itself doesn’t matter much as long as it’s associated with watching a particular series and you stick to it.

And, whichever task you attribute to whichever series, don’t be cheeky. When you finish with the job you’re tackling, you finish watching, and you’re only allowed to resume that show the next time you’re doing that task.

7. Gamify Your Experience

Instead of binging a series in one go, you can turn the viewing experience into a game. Create a set of rules to follow before you even press play, and then follow them once you start watching.

For example, you can decide to stop the show if a certain action occurs or a specific phrase is said. Like, if you’re playing the show Wednesday, you’ll stop if you hear Gomez say ‘cara mia.’ Or if you’re on the Witcher, you can watch until the bard starts singing. Or it could even be something unrelated to the show itself but to do with your environment. Like, if your dog barks or plays with a squeaky toy, you call it a day.

It’s like your very own binge bingo that helps you reduce the harmful effects of binge-watching.

The Debate Around Binge-Watching

It can be so easy to give in to the impulse of watching an entire season of a show in a single go. But does that mean it’s okay to do so? Or is it the poorest decision you can make?

Binge-watching can be harmful, yes, but it’s hardly the worst thing you can do. There are even positives that can hold their own against all the negatives. For instance, at the very least, you avoid spoilers.

So, though it’s debatable whether binge-watching is entirely harmful or not, you should still avoid wasting your day in front of a screen. Instead, utilize some of these suggestions, and ensure you take frequent breaks. It’s better than just staring at a screen and getting asked if you’re still watching now and again.