Below, we’ll list some apps that gamify your self-care routine and help you look forward to this part of your day.

1. Finch: Self Care Widget App

Help your virtual pet grow by completing self-care activities with the Finch app. Complete daily reflections about your current feelings, set specific goals for the future and enjoy relaxing breathing exercises.

Completing these daily self-care activities is what helps your cute pet bird thrive. Every day your finch grows, learns, goes on adventures, and then shares insights with you.

The app also includes stretches and exercises, relaxing soundscapes, and a First Aid section to help you during moments of intense stress. Over time, you can track your self-care progress and your finch’s growth.

Download: Finch for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

2. NOT To Do List

The NOT To Do List app asks you to refrain from performing a list of tasks.

For instance, the items under the Health tab include “Do not forget to wear sunscreen” and “Do not sit for long periods.” In addition, you can add your own items to the list as well.

Something about reframing the basic to-do list in this way can make the app more engaging.

Download: NOT To Do List for iOS (Free, in-app purchases available)

3. Plant Nanny² Water Tracker Log

Drink enough water and log your daily intake to keep your cute plants alive with the Plant Nanny² Water Tracker Log app.

The app sends you notifications throughout the day to drink water. The exact amount depends on your body size and activity level. Earn rewards for meeting your hydration goals, and dress your plants up with custom pots.

You’ll receive positive messages and encouragement throughout the day as you meet your hydration goal.

Although there are a lot of excellent hydration apps available, Plant Nanny is definitely one of the most adorable.

Download: Plant Nanny² Water Tracker Log for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

4. Walkr - Gamified Fitness App

Take enough steps each day to power your rocket ship with the Walkr app. Venture to 25 fascinating planets, help out space creatures, and take advice from your trusty friend Doggii.

Your steps get converted into walking energy in the game. Simply walk more during the day to travel further into space and continue your explorations.

Plus, you can add friends within the app to complete missions cooperatively. The extra energy boosts your gameplay, and you’ll have extra motivation to get steps each day to support your teammates.

Download: Walkr for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

5. Standland

Collect adorable 3D creatures by standing up and moving about more frequently with the Standland app. It’s dedicated to breaking the habit of sitting for too long.

Getting up and moving around for at least one minute once per hour counts as a stand. You can earn a max of 24 stands per day. A Goals screen rewards you for making 30 total stands or earning a certain number of stands in a particular month. In addition, you can select a Mission. Completing 12 stands for five consecutive days will get you a certain pet.

Overall, Standland is a simple, straightforward app that does bring more awareness to your sitting habits. Plus, collecting adorable animals can be a fantastic tool for motivation. You will need to grant the app access to your Health data to measure your stands for the day.

Download: Standland for iOS (Free, in-app purchases available)

6. SleepTown

Hit your sleep goals to construct houses and other buildings in your town, thanks to the SleepTown app.

The app challenges you to put your phone down every night. Once you select a bedtime, you have to go to bed before that hour for your buildings to start construction. When you’re ready to power down for the night, hit the Sleep button in the app. You will need to leave the app open.

On the flip side, you have to wake up before your selected morning time to complete construction. There’s a Wake Up button to tap once you’re up and about in the morning. You get a 10-minute grace period after your morning alarm goes off, and failing to tap the button in time will result in your building’s destruction.

The app does allow some flexibility, and you can take up to two days off per week without hampering your construction progress.

You get a ticket for every seven days of maintaining successful sleep habits. Tickets can increase your odds of receiving a rare building in your town.

With this app in place, the fate of an entire town depends on your regular sleep habits. It’s a fun, compelling way to stick to your sleep goals.

Download: SleepTown for iOS ($1.99) | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

7. Scroll to Sleep

Steer a sailboat into the sunset until you doze off with the calming Scroll to Sleep app. If you’re someone who likes to browse your phone until you’re sleepy, which is very common, then open this chill app instead of doomscrolling the night away.

Swipe the screen in any direction to power the little sailboat past bobbing buoys and puffy clouds. Numbers also drift across the screen regularly, adding a meditative element to the app. The sound of gentle waves adds another relaxing element.

Since sleeping next to your phone isn’t always a great idea, try to set it down away from your bed once you’re calm and ready to doze off.

Download: Scroll to Sleep for iOS (Free)

Playful Apps Help Make Self-Care a Blast

Self-care activities like drinking water, getting enough sleep, and managing your mental health shouldn’t have to feel like a chore. For the most part, some gamified self-care apps can help make your daily care routine more fun and enjoyable.