Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop WWE from teasing more and more heel turns every day of the week, as many of superstars on the main roster are in prime position for career changing character shift, so let’s see who is in line for that change.

#1 Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode’s main roster run has been a laughable mess, as the creative team decided to take one of the best heels in NXT history and turn him babyface because his theme song was more popular than the WWE expected.

But here we are, and Roode’s career is disappointingly in the dumps, as his lack of direction, zero connection with his character has been his biggest downfall, but it seems as if WWE could change that by having the former US Champion become more like his NXT self.

The narrative between Roode and Chad Gable could see Roode turn heel, as rumours suggest Roode’s jealousy for Gable hogging the spotlight would give him a clear reason to turn on the former Tag Team Champion.

But now that scenario won’t play out due to Roode’s losing streak with Gable, “the glorious one” could turn on Chad for the reason of Gable dragging him down. Whichever WWE choose they should make this Bobby Roode heel turn a must, as it could save his terrible WWE main roster run.

#2 Curt Hawkins

Curt Hawkins losing streak has been the subject of discussion ever since WWE out a video detailing the trails and tribulations that comes with that degrading honour, as Hawkins’ feelings towards his losing streak are just hard to watch.

And it seems like that is what WWE is going for, as the man is broken by his hard luck in the win column, as his tally reaches an insurmountable number, and while we all know that if Hawkins does get a push from management it will most likely be as a babyface living a Cinderella-like story, but it could go in another direction as well.

WWE could build up Hawkins as a heel who knows the only way he could win is via cheating, as waiting for that record-breaking win has most likely caused his patients to run thin, so it wouldn’t be shocking seeing the man turn heel once again to pick up a win.

#3 Nikki Bella

The fact that The Bellas are a relevant part of the Raw women’s division in an era where women’s wrestling has evolved speaks volumes to WWE’s trust in their star power, and while many fans dislike the fact that Nikkie and Brie are in the centre of the Women’s Title picture, it does make it a whole lot interesting.

Nikki Bella vs Ronda Rousey is the rumoured match in WWE’s plans, and as the rumour goes Nikki will be the one turning heel for this programme, and that is perfect booking from WWE. Nikki as a heel is a smart decision by the creative team as fans already have a dislike for her push, and Bella just works better as a heel.

Moreover, Rousey isn’t going to turn heel as she is marketing gold for WWE, and Bella being the one to take Rousey to limit next as she looks to take Rousey’s title could be a story worth telling.

#4 Bobby Lashley

WWE has really screwed up the buzz surrounding Bobby Lashley ever since he returned to the company the night after Wrestlemania 34 and it should not have this way as fans just wanted one thing from Bobby Lashley when he returned, they wanted him to face Brock Lesnar.

While that dream match was put on hold due to WWE wanting Roman Reigns to take on Lesnar for the hundredth time, Lashley was left wandering on the mid card a hot mess, as his babyface persona is drier than WWE’s attempt at humour.

But with the inclusion of Lio Rush that could change as Lashley would most likely be persuaded by his heelish manager to join him in his villainy ways. This heel turn does not have to be Bobby cheating or being a coward, but it could help him reconnect with his badass persona from 2007.

#5 Charlotte Flair

The narrative between Charlotte and Becky Lynch is one of the best if not the best narrative on the main roster at the moment as Becky’s rise to the top of the mountain via her heel turn has been one of WWE’s best decisions over the last few years, as Becky is really producing top quality promos and matches with her new material.

While Charlotte is basically the Roman Reigns of the women’s division with her role as the forced face of Smackdown Live, and that isn’t a bad thing as it just gives Becky more creative freedom to be a badass.

But if all rumours point to the same thing you will have to take notice, as it has been rumoured for a long time now that Charlotte and Ronda Rousey could main event next year’s Wrestlemania, and even if that doesn’t happen, except match between the two megastars. Rousey’s heel turn is something that probably won’t happen for a while, but Charlotte turning heel to oppose Rousey is something that could happen.

#6 Lana

Lana has been under speculation from the entire WWE Universe after WWE weaved the narrative of her mysterious one night in Milwaukee, and on the most recent episode of Smackdown Live it was revealed by Aiden English that Lana’s big secret is that she was going to be unfaithful to Rusev by confessing to English that she “wanted him”.

While we all know that is probably just clever editing from English as WWE’s chances of going down an attitude era-like path in this PG era is unlikely, but what if it plays out like that. Firstly WWE wanted the fans to start hating Lana once again for some reason by making her look unfaithful, and in a recent backstage interview, Lana said that when the truth does come out everyone will be disappointed.

The question is, disappointed in relief or disgust? If this does set up Lana for a heel turn, it would great to see how it impacts Rusev who could benefit from this narrative.

#7 Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose’s supposed heel turn has been the topic of discussion for a long time now, as many fans want the former WWE Champion to finally switch up his character by going against his Shield brothers.

While WWE has made it clear that Ambrose is loyal to the Shield and that he won’t be betraying his brothers in arms, its clear that Ambrose is being set for a heel turn down the line, and that could be very soon.

From the way, his promos have been constructed to the way Ambrose’s matches have been booked WWE has been working hard to set up a reason on why Dean would turn heel, and it could be the turn that would generate good ratings for Raw.

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