Combined with the fact that some WWE Superstars are nearing the end of their respective careers, there are also some who have plenty of fuel left in their tank, yet they are simply not happy with their status at the company. With that said, I believe we will soon see a significant amount of current WWE Superstars making their exit. Here’s a look at 7 WWE Superstars whom I believe will be gone by the end of 2019.

#7 Harper

There is a new series on the WWE Network, which is titled “Formerly Known As.” Basically, it features various WWE Superstars and chronicles their journey to WWE. Seth Rollins, Matt Hardy, and Bayley are some of the Superstars featured in this series. One of the newest episodes to be released features Luke Harper, or as he is now simply known as “Harper.” In this episode, you’ll follow Harper on an interesting journey from the back alleys and armories in Rochester, New York, through his time with Chikara and into Japan and so on…finally landing in the WWE.

If you do watch this episode, you’ll notice that the normally quiet and intimidating monster that we have grown to know, is now opening and speaking candidly about his life, his career and how grateful he is to be a WWE Superstar. At one point Harper even gets a bit emotional while talking about his journey. One thing was made clear and that was that Luke Harper definitely wants to be a WWE Superstar.

When you look at the main rosters, one of the Superstars who sticks out as someone who has not been able to show fans his true potential. We witnessed signs of greatness during his incredible run with The Wyatt Family, but not much has developed for Harper since then and that is really a shame. On April 16, 2019, Luke Harper posted on Twitter that he had indeed asked for his release from the company.

In that tweet, Harper expressed his appreciation for the opportunity and stated that both he and the company felt the time was right. It is my opinion that this is a result of WWE’s creative brass not giving Harper a fair shot as a singles competitor. Harper will likely move on to another promotion and have a plethora of success. This is sad, unfortunate and is solely the fault of Vince and company.

#6 Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

It’s hard to believe that just a couple of years ago, these two guys were on top of the wrestling world. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson represented two of the most feared member of Bullet Club and one of the very best tag teams in the world. Then they suddenly hit a brick wall, also known as their 2016 WWE debut.

Gallows and Anderson were set to be the saviors of the tag division…or so we thought. Unfortunately, someone else had other ideas for the 3-time IWPG Tag Team Champions. Since debuting on that April 2016 episode of RAW, Gallows and Anderson had a lot of unexpected and unwarranted setbacks. I’m not sure where things went wrong, but it’s obvious that there is something unsettling between this top-tier duo and WWE’s creative powers-that-be.

Luke and Karl have a plethora of in-ring knowledge, as well as main event experience. These two should have been fast-tracked directly to the top spot…and left there. Unfortunately, WWE’s brass has a habit of playing ping pong with certain Superstars, which has resulted in an unhappy locker room, as well as a disgruntled fanbase.

At this point, Gallows and Anderson are not getting any younger, but the sport is. It is my personal opinion that this tandem is released and be allowed to either head back to Japan or straight over to AEW with Cody and friends.

#5 R-Truth

This selection is someone who has paid all of his dues, plus some. No matter the angle, the gimmick or the storyline, R-Truth has always been the one to step up to the plate and take whatever that is thrown his way. He is the pride of Charlotte, North Carolina, and if you were to ask his hometown friends, they would likely tell you a story of a man who was probably the last person they’d ever expect to see hold a professional wrestling career that has spanned over twenty years now.

R-Truth spent his early years out hustling in the streets. Anything from selling drugs-to breakdancing in the streets…R-Truth was notoriously known all over The Queen City and to this day, he remains very well respected and revered. It’s also worth noting that early on in his career, he did an interview with Lillian Garcia and during that interview, R-Truth spoke candidly about his jaded past which culminated with a stint in prison. However, he says those days are far behind him as he is focused on taking care of his family and being a better person.

R-Truth is someone who seems to have not been affected by Father Time. If you look at the man, you would never believe he is 47-years old. He still moves around in the ring like someone half his age. R-Truth has always a fan-friendly Superstar and a tremendous ambassador to the company, as well as the industry as a whole.

#4 Rey Mysterio

For over 3-decades now, Rey Mysterio has stood toe-to-toe with men twice his size, yet he has never felt like an underdog. The things Rey has been able to do inside of the ring is nothing short of magical. Night in and night out, Mysterio has always been depended on to deliver at the absolute highest level and he has never disappointed.

Each time I see Rey Mysterio in the ring, I consider it a gift. It is a gift because Rey has always done everything the right way and has always led by example. These traits have created a path and a standard for all smaller guys to come. If someone is considering making professional wrestling their career, but they worry they are too small or whatever the case may be, all they have to do is look at Rey Mysterio and make an attempt to mimic the career he has led.

At this point, Rey-Rey has traveled the world and defeated all those whom he was not supposed to, or at least not expected to do well against. He has won every title one can possibly imagine. Not only has he captured the WWE Championship, but he is also the twenty-first WWE Superstar to win the Triple Crown award.

Rey would be a fantastic mentor or even a coach for the company. However, Rey may opt to simply go home and spend more time with la Familia. Regardless of his decision, Mr. 619 owes us nothing. He has done it all and accomplished even more throughout his roughly 30-years that he has spent in the ring.

#3 The Hardy Boyz

There will soon come a day in which the history books will be re-written and when that time comes, Matt and Jeff Hardy will undoubtedly be recognized as one of the, if not THE greatest tag team to ever grace a squared-circle. With a laundry list of accolades and titles to their credit, The Hardy Boyz have set the standard by which any up and coming duo should strive for.

We all know the story, how Matt and Jeff literally began their careers on a trampoline in their parent’s back yard and they would eventually go on to become one of the most successful and prolific tag teams to ever lace up the boots.

Just a couple of years ago, Matt and Jeff rocked the entire wrestling world when they returned to the WWE at WrestleMania 33. Since returning, The Hardy’s have brought back that high octane style that we have missed since the boys took their hiatus back in 2005. Upon leaving the company, The Hardy’s never once slowed down. In fact, some may argue that both brothers hit an all new high with TNA.

Matt is now 44 years old and Jeff is 41. Considering their style and speed, it’s safe to say that Father Time will soon catch up with The Hardy’s. With that said, there is nothing left to prove. The only people who benefit from The Hardy Boyz would be those who stand face-to-face with them in the ring, their opponents.

While I believe their in-ring careers will soon come to an end, it will not be the end of Matt and Jeff in the wrestling business. They could use the extra free time to concentrate on their home promotion - Omega Wrestling. The other possibility would be to have both brothers stick with WWE in some sort of backstage capacity.

#2 Sasha Banks

There is currently an epidemic, it appears in the WWE. It seems as if each week someone new surfaces as a now disgruntled employee with a gigantic chip on their shoulder. One of those Superstars who appears to be unhappy is Sasha Banks.

Banks has been one of several WWE Superstars who is rumored to have asked for her release or has stated she will not renew her existing contract. Everything seemed to start unraveling after WrestleMania, where Sasha and Bayley had to drop their Women’s Tag Team Titles. Sasha reportedly missed a talk show appearance and may have missed a number of WWE meetings as well.

This era is a unique time, full of tremendous athletes, all with tremendous ego’s. But with that said, no one individual is bigger than the company and regardless of how good a Superstar may or may not be, there’s always someone else just as good, or better, ready to take your spot. Sasha Banks needs to realize that while yes, she is good, she is certainly not irreplaceable and if she does decide to leave, the wheels will keep on rolling.

#1 Brock Lesnar

When it comes to blockbuster, big-name Superstars, you will be hard-pressed to find one quite like Brock Lesnar. Brock has the massive frame, along with the no-nonsense demeanor which makes fans truly believe he is unbeatable.

Over the past several years, the past year specifically, Brock’s stock has declined in the eyes of the common fan. Many believe Lesnar pretty much held the WWE Universal Title hostage during his recent reign. Personally, I get the vibe that he simply does not like the business and that his WWE tenure is nothing beyond a paycheck. For that reason, I was very pleased to see him drop the title to Seth Rollins as we now have a fighting champion.

In the past several months, Lesnar has made it increasingly obvious that he has a desire to get back in the octagon and fight for UFC once again. This was probably a contributing factor in him losing to Rollins at WrestleMania. Regardless, Brock is not getting any younger and if UFC is indeed on his radar, he needs to move quickly, because you just don’t see many active fighters in their 40’s.

Love him, hate him, or feel indifferent about him, the bottom line is that Brock Lesnar is a huge draw and always will be, regardless of where he is, including UFC. With that said, he has nothing left to prove in the WWE. I see him moving along sooner than later to grab at least one more big UFC paycheck.

Also Read: WWE News Roundup: Hottest Stories of the Week (9th May 2019)

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